Meet Your Coach!

Katie Poole, M.S.S.

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for a free 15-minute "Transition Smoothing" consultation.


Global Moves. Seize the opportunity!

Helping expat spouses re-discover who they are and create their life after an international move

So you're an expatriate! And I am guessing if you are reading this you must be the accompanying spouse.


Are you wondering what happened to the person you used to be and the life you used to have??

If you are anything like me when my husband's job took us out of the country, you are doing everything you can to figure out how to survive this intriguing but incredibly disruptive process of moving overseas, of changing countries. You wonder how to support your husband in his busy new job while you feel like you rarely see him. You question how your children will fare in their new International school. You are uncertain how best to stay in touch with the grandparents, distressed as they are about having your family so far away. Last on your own list, you doubt if you will ever feel like yourself again and wonder how to get your feet on the ground.

Sound Familiar?

I am passionate about making a difference in the lives of expatriate families. Whether you are heading out, returning home or switching to the next place on the globe, these moves are big. When your husband is working, the kids settled in school or in college, and the boxes unpacked, you still have to figure out how to make a new home and a life for yourself!

First let me say that each and every one of your concerns is normal and common! Prior to my two years in Hong Kong as an expat spouse, I had a life; friends, family, a community and a long term practice as a psychotherapist- meaningful work that I loved- all of which I left behind. Each time I shared some of my particular challenges, I found that my concerns resonated deeply with other expats. While I chose not to work in Hong Kong, taking time instead to explore and learn as much as I could about my new home, I found it difficult not to be using my skills. I was excited about the possibility of offering more support to expat spouses who, for any number of different reasons, can find the initial settling-in and living abroad process somewhat tricky.

Now back in the U.S., and interacting with foreigners arriving in my state of New Jersey, I have confirmed that, regardless of background or nationality, the trailing spouse needs a different kind of information and support than is readily available. You may get useful information from your relocation company and cultural training from the employer. There are websites and expat groups on the ground geared to welcome and orient you as you get settled in the new country. But where will you go to learn about the emotional process, the stress this may put on your family and what it will take to make this global journey work for you and all the members of your family?

If this scenario depicts you and your challenges, click here to find out about the people I work with.

To learn more about my coaching work, click here

News Updates!

Traveling to Hong Kong in September
Following a 12 month absence I will be returning to Hong Kong for three weeks. I look forward to sharing my experience and expertise as life coach with fellow expatriates. I'll be giving talks and sharing stories about the challenges of settling in a new country.

Brand New Blog!
I'm launching a blog this month before I leave for my trip! I'll be posting updates on where I am in the world, as well as filling you in on my interactions with expatriates just like you.